Wednesday 27 November 2013

The Paedophile Heaven that is Facebook !!!

It's safe to say we live in a digital age, mobile phones are no longer housebricks and computers have become just a screen that you touch.
There is also the social networking scene, Facebook, Twitter, Instragram, to name but a few. Mostly these sites are used for making new friends, finding old friends and pretty much sharing your life with the world. That's why the majority of people use these sites. 
I want to talk about the minority and in particular the minority on Facebook.....
A few weeks ago I was shown a picture of a little boy, approx. 8 years old, in his underwear which was only half covering him. This picture was on a page on Facebook and I, like many others, was completely unaware that such pages existed on Facebook. Naturally I couldn't believe it and upon clicking on the page I opened a drop box intending to report it, the images I saw made me feel physically sick and I will never forget them. The page has now been banned.
But that's not the end of the problem, in fact it is just beginning, and half the battle is actually with Facebook......

There are numerous pages on Facebook for Paedophiles which range from posed pictures to the most awful sexual scenes imaginable, some of the children in these images look no older than 7. So naturally these pages have been reported to Facebook in the hope they will be removed. Can you guess the reply?????
Within 2 minutes of reporting these pages people, myself included, are receiving a message from Facebook saying the page hasn't been removed as it doesn't violate their Community Standards.
There are no words to express the feeling that wells up upon reading these ridiculous messages. It is taking countless reports for Facebook to even look at the pages and then hopefully remove them.

Google has recently announced they will be making it harder for people to view child pornography on the net, bit of a fruitless exercise when people can just go onto Facebook and set up a whole page or even a group dedicated to whatever their particular sick desire is.
Young children are being exploited, groomed and, for all we know, raped and Facebook are providing a safe and easy platform for it to be shared.
It infuriates me beyond belief that in this day and age these disgusting, vile people can conduct their sordid business in plain sight and when people do make a point of reporting it, Facebook just don't bother. Surely this should be taking priority over people getting banned for ridiculous things like a sarcastic comment or a questionable photograph.

People are reporting these pages everyday and we are trying to make it more wide spread so we can have more and more people reporting. So if your friend shares a link to one of the pages please take ten seconds and report it. And please share this post so more and more people become aware.

And finally, just food for thought, think about the pictures you're posting of your children on Facebook. If one of these sickos spots it they can copy and paste in 2 seconds. I know you shouldn't have to think like that but until Facebook pulls their finger out it might be wise to be extra vigilant.

Remember, keep sharing, keep reporting!!!!

Love and Hugs
Cheryl xxx