Thursday 6 November 2014

**Review** - Marks and Spencer Gluten Free Crumpets

Being a Coeliac means that you miss so so many things
Doughnuts, Rich Tea Biscuits, Smarties and Muffins, to name but a few, but I always missed Hot Crumpets dripping with butter
I've tried various gluten Free brands of crumpets but none could quite match up, until Marks and Spencer!!!
I'm always wary when trying a new Gluten Free product because 9 times out of 10 they just end up being a huge disappointment. I still try them though because if you don't try them you'll never know.
So a few months ago I picked up a packet of crumpets from Marks and Spencer's "without wheat" range, at £2 for 4 I did think it was a little pricey but to be fair I should be used to that by now.
I was intending to have them the next day for breakfast but I got too excited when I got home and had to try them
When they're first out of the packet they felt a bit hard but I gave them the benefit of the doubt. I popped them in the toaster on a number 5 for roughly 4 and a half minutes, this may seem like along time but it crisps the top up nicely.
Once done I coated them with clover and took my first bite.....
I was in heaven, I think I might have even squealed with excitement
The top of the crumpets had gone lovely and crispy, the base had a lovely crunch and the inside was fluffy and tasted divine, the clover melted in beautifully to make the crumpets have a lovely buttery taste and make them that little bit more meltingly good
They were that good that I ate all four in one sitting and only allowed my mum to try the tiniest bit (she was not impressed)
I have since bought lots more and I am very disappointed if I go to my local store and they don't have any
So to conclude, a scrumptious 10/10 for Marks and Spencer who have managed to achieve crumpet perfection and make my breakfast times so much more enjoyable!!!
Thanks for reading
Love and Hugs Cheryl xxx