Wednesday 10 June 2015

Our Valuable Nurses = Respect

As many of you know I am support worker. In particular I work with people who have suffered spinal injuries. This can be in their home, respite care and even in hospital.
Which is where I am writing this from as the client I am currently looking after isn't very well at all.
This post isn't about him though
I had been sitting at his bedside for less than an hour when the nurses started their hourly obs. At the same time a doctor came to assess the gentleman in the next bed. Whilst the doctor was talking to him a very pleasant nurse came in and made the doctor aware of some important details to do with the patients care.
The way that the doctor spoke to the nurse quite frankly disgusted me!!
It wasn't what he said its how he said it, his voice was dripping with disdain and I honestly expected a lip curl from him. The nurse just took it on the chin and continued with her obs. Once the doctor left the nurse mentioned it to one of her colleagues, she wasn't impressed with the way she was treated, as she shouldn't be.
I leant round the curtain and discussed it with her, while she remained professional, she did express how un impressed she was with the way he spoke to her. This doctor could learn a thing or two about professionalism from that nurse.
Now, here's where I rant a little, sorry in advance.....
Firstly, how DARE he speak to a nurse like that in front of another doctor, patients and visitors!!!
Secondly, what makes him so damn high and mighty?? Ooo he's a doctor, big whoopy doo dah, he fleets in and fleets out and thinks he's somehow better than the team of professionals who run these wards and basically keep their patients alive on an hourly basis.
And third and finally, attitudes need to change!!! I'm not saying that all doctors are like this, I've met a lot of courteous, respectful doctors, but it's those that have the attitude I witnessed tonight who are pulling the rest down!!
So I have a small request to make, next time you're in hospital, be a little extra nice to your nurse, for all you know she's on her fifth or sixth twelve hour shift of the week. Yet she still presents a fresh, happy persona.
They have a vocation and are dedicated to it so let's all be a little more appreciative of these wonderful men and women!!!
Love and Hugs
Cheryl xxx