Thursday 9 April 2015

Pillocks Parking!!!

I don't have any children, yet, and I'm definitely not a blue badge holder. So when I'm in a supermarket I park in a regular parking space as I have no need for a "designated" space.
It really makes my blood boil though when I'm walking from my car to the shop and see some business man or 50+ housewife, complete with high heels and suitcase sized handbag, getting out of their posh car that is parked in a parent and child space!!!
I'm sorry do you have an invisible child I can't see???
What makes it especially annoying is there are plenty of "regular" parking spaces available.
So you drive a big expensive car and don't want it to get knocked?? Then park where there are fewer cars, do not take a space that is intended for someone who needs the space either side to get their child out of the car safely. I don't want my car to get knocked so can you guess what I do?? I park where there are fewer cars!!! Yes it adds ten seconds to my walk from the car but hey, what's ten seconds out of your day??
Only today at Tesco, as I was leaving, I saw a business man, sporting a very professional mobile phone on his waist, getting out of his flashy saab in a parent and child space. It took all my energy not to wind down the window and impart a few choice words. He had perfectly capable legs so I can only guess he's a lazy git!!!
I'm not trying to say that I am some sort of busy body, I promise I'm not, but I can't stand it when some inconsiderate idiot takes the only remaining parent and child space because he's got a big flashy car, it's human decency people. Those spaces are there for a reason and it's not for lazy, jumped up people to park there to protect their precious car, especially at one of the busiest times of the day!!!
If you are one of those people, next time you go to park there, just think for a second, (if your conscience allows it), are you taking a space that a mother or father is going to need so that they can safely and hassle free remove their child/children from the car?? Just think about the problems and danger your selfish act is causing.
Why not be a decent human being and make that extra ten second walk to the shop so you can make somebodies life a little less stress free.
Above all don't be a completely inconsiderate pillock!!!
Love and Hugs

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