Monday 3 June 2013

Tattoos ~ Art?? or Not??

In recent years tattoos have become more of an accepted culture, employers are even being told that they can no longer discriminate if a current or prospective employee has tattoos,
Are tattoos seen as art or not???
In my opinion tattoos are art, I feel that tattoos are an expression of a persons individuality and personality. As you may have guessed I have tattoos, 5 of them ( technically 6 because one has been covered over )


Ok so my first one was a Devil Tweety Pie, I've always wanted it :), my second was my ex husbands name in thai ( hence the lack of a picture ) ~ it seemed like a good idea at the time :/ Then I've got my Egyptian tattoo which says Granddad, I got this when I was 21 as when my granddad died when I was 12 I swore one day I would get a tattoo for him.
The butterfly on the inside of my wrist is the one that's technically 2 as I had initials there ~ again it seemed like a good idea at the time, and lastly my tribal star on the outside of my wrist, I got this because I wanted a star and I liked this one. Simple!!!
So, to the crux of the matter, how many reading this and looking at my pictures see art??
How many see it as I have defaced my body??
And let's be perfectly honest why should I actually care what anybody else thinks??
After all it's my body and they don't stop me from doing my job or living my life.
There are people in my life who don't like tattoos who will try and influence me to their way of thinking, that is not now, nor is it ever, going to happen.
I love my tattoos and I do have plans for more and my advice to people who don't like them.....
Don't look.
Don't try to force your views, or prejudices, to become my way of thinking, you're wasting your time.

Love and Hugs Cheryl xxx




  1. I feel that although you say on this tat blog do not try and force your views on people, it appears that this is all you seem to do and your are quite the busy body.

    1. I don't understand how you could call cheryl a busy body for writing her p.o.v? If anyone's the busy body, it would be you for going to the utmost effort of being so rude!

    2. also you say I am forcing my views on other people, im baffled as to how I'm doing that would you mind explaining how you arrived at that conclusion "mr jobs"

  2. If you actually read back I have stated it is "in my opinion" and I havent actually said that people should think the way I do I have simply stated it is pointlesss people trying to force me to change my views, I am simply makingmy feelings known and looking at your comment I dont see how I am the busybody
