Friday 31 May 2013

Organ Donation ~ A Matter of Life and Death

How many of you, when organ donation is mentioned, have thought "ooo no, I wouldn't want somebody taking bits of me", a majority of you I should imagine.
But how many of you, when faced with life or death, would accept somebody else's organs????
Again, I would imagine, a majority of you.
And finally, how many of you are actually on the NHS Organ Donor Register???
I would like to tell you a little story...
This time last year my uncle was gravely ill, he was in desperate need of a liver transplant, his children were aged 25, 20 and 12, the youngest being the only girl.
We were all watching my uncle deteriorate and become a shadow of his former self. Everyone was hoping and wishing that the call would come and that there would be a match. In September of last year that call came, and it was a match.
 After shooting to The Queen Elizabeth II hospital in Birmingham, my auntie had an agonising 8 hour wait while my uncle was in theatre. She received regular updates from theatre but it was with a sigh of relief that my uncle went to recovery, the operation having been a success.
My uncle is still on the road to recovery as that road is a very long one and may take a few years to complete, but he is living life to the full and cherishing every day and is thankful for the life he now has.
If it wasn't for the generosity and humanity of somebody, or somebodys family, there may have been a very different ending to this story.
So I would like to urge everyone reading this to Please, Please, Please sign the NHS Organ Donor Register. It only takes a few minutes to do online. Click here to sign up.
It could mean the difference between life and death for someone, after all what are a few minutes compared to someones life???
Love and Hugs Cheryl xxx

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