Wednesday 8 May 2013

(Ir)Responsible Dog Walkers

As you know I am a dog owner and a responsible one at that. When I walk Kez I always ensure that I have more than enough "poo bags" to last me. In fact I often go to get a tissue out of my pocket and nearly wipe my nose on a poo bag :/
So you can imagine how completely furious it makes me when I see a dog owner letting their dog do their business and just walking away. Is it so hard to go into a shop and ask for a bag??? Walking around Liscard and the surrounding area it is impossible to go ten paces without having to avoid a pile of dog mess. Where are the dog wardens when this is happening??? Do we even still have them???
What also infuriates me is ignorant members of the public tutting and muttering about  "dirty, disgusting dogs". Hello!!!! Have you ever seen a dog pick up a poo bag and remove its own mess because i sure haven't. The lack of thumbs makes it impossible!!! What people should be muttering is "dirty, disgusting dog owners" because quite frankly it is their fault, not the dogs.
In my opinion anyone who isn't going to be responsible enough to pick up after their dog should not have a dog.
So let this be a warning, if I see you walking away after your dog has done its business, I will approach you and I will, very loudly, ask if you are going to clear it up and if you need a bag. 
And now I am going to go and put my soap box away.
Love and Hugs Cheryl xx

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